
Billingsley House

The Billingsley family and the Duncan Preservation Society have come together on a plan to rescue and restore the house. Charles Billingsley has donated the house to the P.R.I.D.E. Society. Volunteers are prepping the building for restoration after installing a new roof.

Bilingsley House
Spezia Square

Spezia Square

The Preservation Society’s first project was the renovation of Spezia Square, on a historic corner on the Old West Highway. Spezia Square’s phase one included recycled brick from an old school building to build our flowerbeds. Trees were planted, picnic tables were placed on the patio along with an antique lamppost for lighting, and a town antique clock for everyone to enjoy. An old western storefront along with a balcony, porch with a plank boardwalk, decorated windows and hanging baskets added charm to this area. Second phase a gazebo was added and an opera house stage which can be used for music groups. Grass has been planted and other additions to become eye appealing to one and all.

Sandra Day O’Connor Memorial Walkway – P.R.I.D.E. Society was given the award from ADOT and SEAGO for the Sandra Day O’Connor Walkway which began construction in June of 2009. The project took nearly one year to complete and was completed in 2010. The walkway goes along Hwy 70 from the car wash and ends at Wilson Street just before the High School.

Adopt a Highway – Duncan P.R.I.D.E. has adopted 1 mile of highway 70 in our town through the ADOT Adopt a Highway program.  We have had numerous cleanups that have been very successful with a lot of community spirit.  Everyone has pitched in to help from picking up garbage, repainting old buildings, getting rid of old debris and making the areas very pleasing to out of town travelers coming through Duncan.

Packer Park – Packer Park is a veteran’s memorial park with flags, benches and lampposts. The large rocks can have the veteran’s name tags attached.

Lampost Project – The Lamppost Project has seventy-eight white lampposts along Highway 70 and down Main Street. They add a soft glow to the evening when turned on.

Hill Street Mural

Hill Street Mural

Hal Empie Mural Conservation

The Hal Empie Mural can be seen at the Duncan High School Cafeteria.

Empie Mural

Downtown Business Facade Improvements

In 2004 Duncan P.R.I.D.E. obtained a grant from Freeport McMoran which funded the renovation of the facades of 22 buildings in downtown Duncan:

  • American Legion
  • Peterson’s
  • G-G Garage
  • O’l Joe’s Caffe
  • Duncan Theater
  • Country Chic Visitor Center
  • Hilda’s
  • Old Duncan Bank
  • Boyd’s
  • Suds Plus Laundromat
  • Bart Tipton Saloon
  • Scrub & Glow Car Wash
  • Humble Pie
  • Germaine’s Emporium
  • Simpson Hotel
  • Sunny’s Hair Shop
  • Chaparral Motel
  • Farm & Garden
  • Ford Garage
  • Bonnie Heather Inn
  • Three Sisters Bakery
  • Danny’s Diner